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Working from Home Worsening Your Neck Pain? Tips from Peak Spine & Sports Medicine

Working from Home Worsening Your Neck Pain?

In this blog post, Peak Spine & Sports Medicine delves into the ways working from home can exacerbate neck pain and offers practical tips to alleviate discomfort.


The Impact of Remote Work on Neck Pain


  1. **Poor Ergonomics:** Remote work often means improvising workspaces with inadequate ergonomic setups. Improper chair height, lack of proper lumbar support, and inappropriate screen positioning can all contribute to neck strain and pain. Prolonged poor posture while working can lead to muscle tension, stiffness, and pain in the neck and upper back.


  1. **Increased Screen Time:** Remote work usually involves spending extended periods in front of screens. Constantly looking down at laptops, tablets, or smartphones can strain the neck muscles, leading to what is commonly referred to as "tech neck." This condition can cause pain, headaches, and even impact the spine's natural curvature.


  1. **Limited Physical Activity:** Remote work can reduce the opportunities for physical activity throughout the day. The lack of movement can lead to muscle stiffness and decreased blood flow to the neck and surrounding areas, exacerbating neck pain.


Tips to Alleviate Neck Pain While Working from Home


  1. **Create an Ergonomic Workspace:** Set up a workspace that promotes good posture. Invest in an adjustable chair, position your monitor at eye level, and use a separate keyboard and mouse to maintain a neutral wrist and arm position.


  1. **Take Frequent Breaks:** Schedule regular breaks to stretch and move around. Gentle neck stretches, shoulder rolls, and back extensions can help relieve muscle tension and maintain flexibility.


  1. **Practice Proper Screen Habits:** Keep screens at eye level to avoid excessive neck tilting. Take breaks from screens every 20-30 minutes to rest your eyes and stretch your neck and shoulders.


At Peak Spine & Sports Medicine, we understand the impact of modern work habits on your physical health. Working from home can indeed worsen neck pain, but with mindful adjustments, you can prevent discomfort and maintain your well-being. Remember to prioritize ergonomics, incorporate regular movement, and practice good screen habits to alleviate neck pain and ensure a healthier work-from-home experience.


  1. **Straker, L., Dunstan, D., Gilson, N., & Healy, G. (2018). Sedentary Work: Evidence on an Emergent Work Health and Safety Issue.** Safety Science, 109, 1-3.


  1. **Edmond, S. L., Fettes, P., Conrad, K. J., Sereika, S. M., Tsai, P. F., & Albert, S. M. (2018). **The Association of Sleep Duration and Quality with Illness Perceptions and Coping in Individuals with Chronic Pain.** Pain Management Nursing, 19(1), 48-56.


  1. **Choi, B. K., Verbeek, J. H., Tam, W. W., & Jiang, J. Y. (2017). Exercises for prevention of recurrences of low-back pain.** Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1(1).

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